SkillsUSA State Officer!

Congratulations go out to MTCHS student, Kayla Hutchings.  Kayla applied, interviewed, and was chosen to be the 2020-2021 SkillsUSA Idaho State President!

Kayla has been very involved the MTCHS chapter of SkillsUSA since her freshman year.  She competed in the Opening and Closing Ceremony as a freshman and sophomore with her team qualifying for nationals both years.  As a sophomore, Kayla was the secretary of our local chapter, and the treasurer as a junior.  Her dedication and energy have contributed so much to the chapter’s success!  This year she qualified for state competitions in Computer Programming and Web Design. Unfortunately the state and national competitions were cancelled due to coronavirus shut-downs.

Kayla is entering her senior year at MTCHS with a focus on Computer Science.

Congratulations, Kayla!


SkillsUSA is a national partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to impact the future of America’s workforce through the development of personal, workplace, and technical skills that are grounded in academics.

2020 College bound!

Senior Facebook Album

The Facebook album for 2020 grads is live and ready to admire!  Go give it some love!

A great big thank-you to all who have contributed so far!  We will be adding more pictures as they trickle in.

2020 Chapter of Distinction

Congratulations to the MTCHS SkillsUSA Chapter!  We were informed this week that they have received the 2020 Chapter of Distinction Award from SkillsUSA!  This national award recognizes the leadership, personal and technical skills, and workplace readiness of the chapter as a whole.

We’re really proud of these kids and their advisors for the extra hours, hard work, and enthusiasm they bring to our chapter!

SkillsUSA is a United States career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 high school, college and middle school students and professional members enrolled in training programs in trade, technical and skilled service occupations.  The Chapter Excellence Program recognizes those who go beyond baseline requirements with bronze, silver, and gold “Chapters of Distinction” awards.

Well done, Dragons!

Graduation Signs

MTCHS staff members had a blast delivering a surprise gift to our graduating seniors yesterday!  All of their lawns have now sprouted these signs, proclaiming to one and all that a Class of 2020 Dragon is graduating!  Congratulations Dragons!

Many thanks to senior mom and designer Becca Lehman for helping make this happen!  We can say without any bias whatsoever that these are the most gorgeous lawn signs in town!  Anyone who wishes to get more of them can contact her directly through Expressions By Design, 208-629-8319.

We would love to have a picture of your senior with their sign, which we are putting into a photo album on Facebook!  Please send pics to Mrs. Claflin at

Graduation will take place on Friday, June 19.  We are keeping it very limited in size, with every effort to maintain proper social distancing and safety requirements.  Families have been notified with the details.

Congrats Beckett!

Meridian Technical Charter High School wishes to congratulate graduating senior Beckett Bodell.  Beckett is the first student from MTCHS to earn both his associate degree from BSU and high school diploma at the same time.
Great job on this amazing accomplishment, Beckett!  We are so proud of you!