End of Year Checkout

End of Year Info

Congratulations Dragons!  So many of you have risen above the challenges the last two months have brought and have successfully completed the 2019-2020 school year!  We’re very proud of your hard work and stellar efforts!

MTCHS will be open for students during the following hours to return their laptops, chargers, books, texts, and other miscellaneous items you may have that need to come back to school.  At the same time, you will be able to retrieve personal items from your lockers, check Lost and Found, and pick up medication you may have left in the office.  Please practice appropriate social distancing protocols.

   May 27: 10 am – 2 pm

   May 28: 10 am – 2 pm
   May 29: 9 am – 12 pm

There will be a limited amount of yearbooks available for purchase, please email Mr. Taylor to verify availability and then purchase them online.  No payments will be taken in the office.

What will the school year 2020-2021 look like?  Well…. we don’t know yet!  Stay tuned as we get updates from the state and local district!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week

To the amazing teaching staff: thank you!

Graduation Postponed

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, MTCHS has regretfully postponed commencement ceremonies for the Graduating Class of 2020, which had been scheduled for May 15.

We are working on an alternative plan… stay tuned!

Ongoing eDays…

Our students are amazing! We are seeing over 90% engagement by our students every school day!
Students, staff… great job!
 Let’s keep up the communication and hard work.  Together, we’ll get through this!

Welcome back!

Spring Break is over, and school is back in session!  We hope you had a good week off!

Students, today we are back in eDay learning mode!  The big difference between now and a “normal” day is that you get to set your own dress code!  But you will still be very engaged in learning and communicating with your teachers.  Technical issues will be addressed as soon as tech support receives your Spiceworks ticket as described in Mr. Beebe and Mr. Lovell’s emails.  All of our staff, including administration, is accessible through email every day.  Stay focused, and you will be able to continue your school year with as little disruption as possible during these unusual circumstances.

Go Dragons!

eDays Continue

MTCHS classes will be continuing electronically till further notice.

Please check your email for updates.

Free Lunch is Available through West Ada School District

E-Day Information

There are no classes in the building this week, however eDays will be in place during building closure beginning on Tuesday, March 17.  Any MTCHS student who needs a laptop to work from home will be able to come check their school laptops out on Monday and Tuesday, March 16 & 17.  Please check your email for frequent communication and updates.


School NOT In-Session on Campus 3/16/2020

MTCHS will follow West Ada and will NOT hold school on campus for Monday, 3/16/2020.    Please review the message from West Ada at https://www.westada.org/COVID-19.

MTCHS will be doing electronic learning. Please check email on Monday for more updates.

West Ada COVID-19 Updates

West Ada School District is posting updates and information at https://www.westada.org/COVID-19

In the event of school closures, MTCHS will send parents further information through email.

Spring Lunch Menu (Updated)

The Spring Lunch menu has been updated as follows: