Tech Fair & Pro Dress, February 9

Friday, February 9 is our SkillsUSA Tech Fair.  Students are required to wear professional dress.

All students will be competing, and winners will qualify for state.  Contests include Advertising Design, Computer Programming, Prepared Speech and Extemporaneous Speech, Informational Technology Services, Electronics Technology, Web Design, Community Service, Technical Computer Applications, Job Interview, Related Tech Math, Job Skill Demo, TV/Video, T-Shirt Design, and Quiz Bowl.

Lottery Deadline Feb 9

Our lottery  closes on February 9.  Please make sure your application has been submitted.


Start of Semester Fiesta

The Student Councils of MTCHS and MMACHS are sponsoring a Start of Semester Fiesta on Friday, February 2nd from 6:30-9:30. There will be a taco and nacho bar, piñatas, friends, games, music and a fun time plus much more!
Tickets are $3 for individuals and $5 for any two people; however, only individual tickets will be sold at the door.  Bring a friend or come alone; let’s fiesta tonight!

Prospective Students and Parents

Thank you for your interest in MTCHS!  We look forward to several recruiting events that will provide 8th graders and their parents the chance to see our school and find out if our programs are a good fit.

  • October 13, 2017:  The application for admission will be posted on the website
  • November 9, 2017: from 6:30 – 8:30 pm we will have Tech-X-perience here at MTCHS.  This will be an opportunity for 8th graders to experience a project in one of our focus areas that they are interested in.  Parents are invited to attend a parent information session to learn more about the school.
  • January 18, 2018:  from 12:30 – 2:00 pm we will have a MTCHS Open House for Prospective Students.  This is an opportunity for 8th grade students and parents to see the school and find out what MTCHS has to offer for a quality high school education.  You may show up any time during this time frame.
  • February 1, 2018:  from 3:30 – 5:00 pm we will have another MTCHS Open House for Prospective Students.  This is another opportunity for 8th grade students and parents to see the school and find out what MTCHS has to offer for a quality high school education.  You may show up any time during this time frame.
  • February 9, 2018:  Applications are due for the lottery drawing.
  • February 16, 2018:  Lottery drawing at West Ada District Office.

Mary Helen Green also visited middle schools in the West Ada District to answer questions and talk with interested students about MTCHS and the process for applying.

Juniors Competing at “We The People”

Wishing all the best to our Junior Class as they head off to the We the People Competition this morning!  They have spent the last few weeks working hard: studying, practicing, and studying even more.

The We the People Competition is a simulated congressional hearing in which students “testify” before a panel of judges acting as members of Congress. Students demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles and have opportunities to evaluate, take, and defend positions on relevant historical and contemporary issues.

NHS Food Drive

MTCHS”s National Honor Society and their adviser, Mary Helen Green, would like to thank all of the families who have contributed to the food drive!  The donation bins are almost full!  A lot of local families will benefit from your generosity!

There is one day left in the drive, still time to bring in some non-perishable food items!  We would love to have overflowing bins when the Meridian Food Bank picks them up tomorrow!

End-of-Project Celebration Luncheon

On Thursday, January 25th, PTSO will provide MTCHS students and staff with a pizza luncheon to celebrate the completion of student projects!

Class Project Day!

Today is the culmination of Class Projects! So much hard work led up to this day. Stress levels were palpable this morning as students prepared their presentations for their judges. Pictures are coming soon to Facebook!
We wish to extend our gratitude once again to our judges for lending us their valuable time and extensive expertise. There is no way we could do this without you!

VEX Robotics competes at ISU

The MTCHS VEX Robotics team competed at Idaho State University on Friday.  Although the team didn’t place, they had a great time in Pocatello running the robot through its paces and going on a tour of the ISU Robotics Lab.

MTCHS Wins Big at BPA Regional Contest!!

Network Design Team:  1st Place (Bridger Fletcher, Jacob Mendenhall, Karsen Weimer, Winton Watkins)

Network Administration using Microsoft:  1st Place – Bridger Fletcher

Computer Security:  1st Place – Jared Gonzales

PC Troubleshooting & Troubleshooting: 1st – Jacob Mendenhall,  5th – Alex Smith,  6th – Karsen Weimer

Computer Network Technology:
1st – Bridger Fletcher
2nd – Jacob Mendenhall
3rd – Winton Watkins
4th – Alex Smith
5th – Karsen Weimer

Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications: 4th – Jared Gonzales