NHS Food Drive
One in seven people living in Idaho are food insecure. They rely on places like the Meridian Food Bank for food every single week. Thankfully, we have the power to help these families. All it takes is a simple non-perishable food donation. As you enter our school there are barrels near the front door, waiting for your help. Join National Honor Society and help fight against local hunger.
Don’t wait too long because those barrels will leave on January 26th!
There will be no school on Monday, January 15. Have a great three-day weekend!
VEX Robotics
The MTCHS Vex Robotics club prepares their robot for competition at the recent tournament at Caldwell High School.
Winter Holiday
Winter Break begins on Friday, December 22 and school returns on January 8, 2018!
Have a safe and happy holiday season!
Candy Grams!
Student Government members made reindeer-candy cane Candy Grams last week. They will be selling them for 50 cents today, Tuesday, and Wednesday at lunchtime. Students can surprise their friends or have one delivered with an anonymous message during lunch on Thursday.
Proceeds go to benefit Student Government activities. Parents who wish to Candy Gram their kids can contact the office: secretary@clone.smtchs.org
Holiday Baskets
A message from Mrs. Merrell:
Thank you! My heart is very full of gratitude today. I can barely express my appreciation for your generosity in words, but I will try. Thank you!
We were able to create 11 baskets of complete holiday dinners; each with a $20 gift card to Walmart. Our goal was 10, but we had so many extra items we were able to build one more basket. All of the extra money donations were also given to the Salvation Army.
That is one more family that will have a little more brightness this holiday season. We have a few additional items which will be taken to the Meridian Food Bank.
This has been an amazing experience and become a wonderful tradition for our MTCHS community to share with our greater community. Again, thank you for helping with our 4th Annual Holiday Dinner Basket.
So without further ado, the winner of the best decorated Holiday Basket is Mrs. Grainger’s Junior first hour class; complete with personal holiday cards from every student. The winner of the most helpful class, the one that provided the most items and money, is Mrs. Riley’s Freshman first hour class.
Congratulations to them, and thank you to all!
I hope you have a Happy Holiday Season!
Early Release Dec 12
School will be released at 10:20 on Tuesday, December 12 for Staff Inservice.
Code Club Volunteer Opportunities!
SkillsUSA is sponsoring an amazing community service opportunity, Barbara Morgan STEM Academy’s Code Club. It meets every Tuesday from 4:00-4:45 PM. The school is located on Linder and Ustick, near Tully Park.
Not only is this a lot of fun, it fulfills requirements for your community service hours. Remember that you must complete nine community service hours by the end of the school year. Seniors, juniors, and freshmen, please note that you do not have community service built into your grade level project. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to get those hours or to rack up some STOR points (20 points per meeting).
The volunteer positions are below:
Kindergarten & 1st Grade Helpers
No Coding Experience Needed
(Perfect for Freshmen)
2nd Grade Helpers
Helping with code.org
(Perfect for Freshman)
3rd-5th Grade Helper
Knows Block Coding
(Perfect for Freshman)
EV3 Robot Helper
Programming Skills Needed
Raspberry Pi Helper
Python Skills Needed
HTML/CSS Skills Needed
You can sign up for one week or multiple weeks here.
Student Government Sock Donation
Those big black bags are filled with 987 pairs of socks donated by the students of MTCHS! Student Government representatives delivered the socks yesterday after school to the Boise Rescue Mission, and stayed to help serve dinner at the River of Life.